Partnership Options

In order to ensure the success of the event and provide a Kandara Child with an opportunity to be class, the organizers would like to create synergy with independent partners.  Below are the partnerships categories;

1.        Sponsors: Financial, in-kind, and Media sponsors

2.       Friends of The Kandara Child: Donors who can adopt a Kandara Child and support their stay is school for one year or donate towards a proportion of it.  

3.       Event Volunteers: partners of all ages and abilities to help make the Run Day a success by assisting as set-up crew, course marshals, check-in attendants, water stations attendants, clean-up crew, medical staff etc.  Click Here to register as a volunteer

To participate in any of the above ways please contact the organisers on or 0746191180

Support Packages for 'Friends of The Kandara Child'

Sponsorship CategorySponsorship Amount
Shoes and personal effectsSh. 5,000
UniformsSh. 10,000
Form 1 Entry Shopping & BooksSh. 20,000
School Fees for one TermSh. 30,000
School Fees for Two TermsSh. 50,000
School Fees for One YearSh. 75,000
Full Year support (School Fees and Shopping)Sh. 100,000

Support Packages for Sponsors

Sh. 1,000,000
Sh. 750,000
Sh. 500,000
Sh. 300,000
Logo placement on T-shirts, Finish Line Ribbon, Medal Ribbon, and Finishers’ CertificatesYes
Large Banners placement at start/finish line areaYes
Company officials to flag off the racesYes
VIP Status at the eventYes
Company officials to hold the finish line tape for race winners of each distanceYes
Put tents at spectator points/water pointsYesYes
Logo representation on all printed marathon promotional materials such as posters, flyers etcYesYesYes
Logo inclusion on all marathon correspondence, indicating level of sponsorshipYesYesYes
Promotional Banners along the Marathon route/spectator points25 tear drops at the start point and/or
spectator points
15 tear drops at the start point and/or spectator points 10 tear drops at the spectator points5 tear drops at the spectator points
Staff members to get a free entry run with company branded t-shirts3020105
Logo on websiteYesYesYesYes
Announcements-during the event, recognition by name ‘Thank You’YesYesYesYes
Certificate of appreciationYesYesYesYes
One tent equipped with tables and chairsYesYesYesYes
Company Name on event advertisement in social media – Facebook page / Twitter mentions.YesYesYesYes