Would you like to participate in the Kandara Education Run and you are not in a position to join us at the Matenjagwo Stadium on 6th October, 2024? We've got you covered!

We have organised a virtual Run between Friday, October 4th, 2024 at 00:01 AM and Sunday, October 6th, 2024 at 11:59PM. With the virtual run, you have the flexibility to run wherever you want and whatever time is convenient to you. And what is more? All finishers will be rewarded with a finisher's certificate. Further, the 10KM and 21KM will receive a finisher's medal. Please see the details below and click here to register for the Virtual Run

Step 1: Download the app or go to and create an account. There is no need to purchase the premium version for the purpose of this race.  Step 2: Search for the “Kandara Education” club in the app or go to  and join the club. Once you have joined the club, you can access it by going to “clubs” in the app (top right). In the club feed, you can see activities from other racers as well as leaderboards and posts.
  • To record your own activity, select “Record” (bottom center). From there, you can start and stop your run/walk and see your stats as you go.
  • Once you’ve completed your activity, click “Finish.” This will take you to a screen where you can name your activity and even add photos or a description that you’d like to share!
  • You can also change who can see your activity (everyone, just followers, or only you), it’s important that when you record your race weekend activity that it is visible to everyone.
  • When you are happy with your activity, select “Save” (top right).

Step 3: Race weekend! Record your 5K or 10K between Friday, October 4th, 2024 at 00:01 AM and  Sunday, October 6th, 2024 at 11:59PM. Be sure to include Your Race Number in the title of your activity to ensure we record your time. Further, for a race to qualify, you must cover the distance in one uninterrupted run.

For more help and troubleshooting, please visit